1. Acceptable Use Policy

The Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) is a set of common sense guidelines for use of the Internet and are designed to allow all users to enjoy use of it. By using the Services, the Customer, agrees to comply with the Supplier’s AUP.

The policy is intended to be a guideline as to the Supplier’s stance against violations of the accepted norms of the Internet community and is not intended to be exhaustive. The Supplier reserves the right to protect its reputation and goodwill at all times, and the right to terminate all or any part of the Services should the Customer fail to comply with any or all of the conditions detailed herein

Any specific questions about our AUP should be directed to: service@digitalspace.co.uk

Web Space

  1. The customer is restricted to the amount of web space in Mb that is purchased. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that its disk usage does not exceed this limit.
  2. The customer must not disclose the relevant password to any third party.
  3. The customer is not permitted to use any server-side cgi or other program other than those placed by the Supplier into the main cgi-bin directory without prior consent from the Supplier.
  4. The Customer is responsible for keeping data backups. The Supplier is not responsible for any loss of the Customer’s data for any reason.
  5. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the data offered in the Customer’s web space does not break any UK law or any law in the home country of the Customer. The Supplier reserves the right to remove a site or any section of a site under any of the following circumstances:
    1. The material is suspected to be illegal;
    2. The site gets an abnormally high number of hits;
    3. The site contravenes clause 3. stated above;
    4. The Customer closes the account or the Customer’s account is suspended;
    5. The presence of the site adversely affects in any way the Supplier’s ability to provide its services to other Customers;
    6. The Customer resells or attempts to resell the web space;
    7. The Customer uses the web space to store or provide access to pirate software of a third party’s products or services, including providing links to pirated software;
    8. The Customer promotes the web space in such a way as to knowingly breach this policy, through the Supplier or any other Internet Service Provider; or
    9. The Customer fails to ensure that any content of an adult nature contains a warning page as to the content of the site and that page is displayed prior to the viewing of any such adult content.

Email and Newsgroups

  1. The customer must not use Services for any of the following purposes:
    1. Initiating or propagating ‘chain’ email or pyramid emails;
    2. Sending bulk or unsolicited emails, especially of a commercial nature;
    3. Using The Supplier account as a mail-collector for responses for any of the above; or
    4. Sending any other email that may reasonably be considered spam mail.
  2. The Customer must not email any person or business after they have specifically requested that the Customer not do so. This also applies to any automated email system the Customer may employ.
  3. The Customer must not send email or post articles with headers modified in such a way as to disguise the true source of such email or article. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a rear email address is present and obvious.
  4. The Customer must not post articles of a commercial nature to groups that are inappropriate to the subject of the group.
  5. The Customer must not use the Services to post articles that contravene the charter of the group to which the posts are made. This includes binary attachments being posted to non-binary newsgroups.
  6. The Customer must ensure that equipment cannot be used to relay email. Failure to comply may result in suspension of the Services without prior notice.


The customer will not use, attempt to use or allow your internet connection to:

  1. store, send or distribute any content or material which is restricted, prohibited or otherwise unlawful under any applicable law or which is offensive or obscene;
  2. store, send or distribute confidential information, copyright material or other content which is subject to third party intellectual property rights, unless you have a lawful right to do so;
  3. do anything which defames, harasses, threatens, abuses, menaces, offends, violates the privacy of, or incites violence or hatred against, any person or class of persons, or which could give rise to civil or criminal proceedings;
  4. do any other act or thing which is illegal, fraudulent or otherwise prohibited under any applicable law or which is in breach of any code, standard or content requirement of any other competent authority;
  5. do anything which interferes with other users or restricts or hinders any person from accessing or using our internet connection service or systems including the excessive usage of bandwidth under the ‘Excessive Usage of Bandwidth’ section below;
  6. forge header information, email source address or other user information;
  7. access, monitor or use any data, systems or networks, including another person’s private information, without authority or attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any data, system or network;
  8. deliberately compromise the security or integrity of any network or system including our network;
  9. knowingly access, download, store, send or distribute any viruses or other harmful programs or material;
  10. send or distribute unsolicited advertising, bulk electronic messages or otherwise breach your spam obligations set out below, or overload any network or system including our network and systems;
  11. invade anyone’s privacy by attempting to harvest, collect, store, or publish private or personally identifiable information, such as passwords, account information, credit card numbers, addresses, or other contact information without their knowledge and consent;
  12. tamper with, hinder the operation of or make unauthorised modifications to any network or system; or
  13. authorise, aid, abet, encourage, conspire with or incite any other person to do or attempt to do any of the above acts.

In addition you may not use our network to create, transmit, distribute, or store content that:

  1. violates export control laws or regulations,
  2. impairs the privacy of communications,
  3. constitutes deceptive online marketing, causes technical disturbances to our network (including excessive usage of bandwidth under the ‘Excessive Usage of Bandwidth’ section below), its affiliated networks, or the network used by customers to access the Email services, or
  4. violates the policies of such networks by, including, but not limited to, the intentional introduction of any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system or data, or
  5. assists, encourages or permits any persons in engaging in any of the activities described in this section.

If you become aware of any such activities, you are obligated to immediately notify us and take all other appropriate actions to cause such activities to cease.


  1. The Customer must not use their account for the purpose of obtaining unauthorised access to any computer or service.
  2. The Customer is responsible for all use of the account at all times.
  3. The Supplier reserves the right to remove any Usenet articles or web sites that might be held to be defamatory at its sole discretion.
  4. Customers who purchase a single user account must note that this type of account implies single concurrent usage and must not, via tunnelling, use proxies or by any other means, attempt to avoid the service restrictions imposed on this account type.


  1. Following any breach of the AUP, the Supplier may take any action it considers to be appropriate up to and including closure of the account without notice. AUP breaches will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Following suspension of a Customer’s account as a result of a breach of these AUP, the Customer must send a letter to the Supplier undertaking not to breach the AUP on a subsequent occasion before the account will be reinstated.
  3. The Supplier does not allow credits or refunds for any outages resulting from a suspension or deletion of an account or the Services under these AUP.
  4. The Supplier reserves the right to modify or amend the AUP at any time. Any breaches of the AUP should be reported to abuse@digitalspace.co.uk and the entire posting, together with the full headers, should be forwarded. Although it is not always possible to respond to each abuse report, all complaints will be investigated thoroughly.
  5. The Supplier’s assignment of IP address space is valid as long as the criteria for the original assignment are met and remain valid only for the duration of the Agreement.
  6. The Supplier shall retain the right at all times to reassign the IP address space to another Customer upon completion and or termination of the Agreement or mutually agreed period thereafter. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this clause mean that the Customer is required to re-configure the addresses of all equipment using the Supplier’s IP address space if the Customer continues to require the global uniqueness of those addresses.

2. Fair Usage Policy

If you’re not on unlimited broadband, you need to know about the allowances we set on how much data you can use. If you find these allowances don’t suit you, it’s easy to upgrade your broadband to Unlimited.

What is broadband usage?

Broadband usage is how much data you upload and download from the internet.
There are two main factors that contribute to the total amount of usage we measure on your line:

  1. The number of devices you’re using to access the internet at any one time (for example, computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets)
  2. The kind of things you’re doing and how long for. For example, whether you’re browsing social media sites, watching videos (such as YouTube) or TV and updating software on your computer or mobile device, to name a few.

Some activities involve more usage than others. Watching a video, for example, involves downloading loads more data than looking at a simple web page or sending a short email. The table here shows what kind of usage is involved with some common activities.

Activity type Typical usage in MB (megabytes)* Typical usage in GB (gigabytes)*
Standard Quality VOIP Telephony (1 Hour) 154 MB 0.15 GB
High Quality VOIP Telephony (1 Hour) 309 MB 0.30 GB
Citrix/ Microsoft Remote Desktop (no sound or printing) 100 MB 0.10 GB
Online catch-up TV service (1 hour) 644 MB 0.63 GB
Video streaming: for example, YouTube (1 hour) 429 MB 0.42 GB
Online gaming (1 hour) 43 MB 0.04 GB
Standard definition movie (2 hours) 1,974 MB 1.93 GB
High-definition movie (2 hours) 4,292 MB 4.19 GB
Music (1 album, 10 tracks) 80 MB 0.08 GB
Photo (1 photo) 5 MB 0.01 GB
Microsoft Teams Group Video Call (1 Hour) 450 MB 0.45 GB
Zoom HD Video Call (1 Hour) 1080 MB 1.08GB

*These sizes are approximate and can vary.

What are monthly usage allowances?

Digital Space customers who aren’t on an unlimited package have a usage allowance which starts from the first of the month and runs to the end of the month. Monthly usage allowances vary depending on which package you’re on.

Packages which have broadband usage allowances are:

Product name Monthly usage allowance
Fibre 40/10 50GB 50 GB

You may be on a different package variant to the above. If you are unsure of your ‘Monthly usage allowance’ please contact us.

What happens if I go over my monthly usage allowance?

If you exceed your usage allowance, you’ll be charged for any additional usage in units of 1 gigabyte (GB), at £2.25 per GB, which will appear in your next bill.

What can I do if I regularly go over my usage allowance?

It can be tricky knowing how much broadband you’re using. And if a lot of your time online is doing things such as watching TV (like BBC iPlayer), streaming video (like YouTube) and downloading films, you can use your allowance quite quickly. If this is you, why not upgrade to one of our unlimited usage packages.

Is everything I do taken into account under broadband usage?

Yes, both upload and download usage is combined to give the overall usage amount.

3. Traffic Management Policy

To ensure that the highest quality of service for business critical applications during core business hours for our business customers, our network identifies and prioritises business critical traffic based on the following guidelines:

Is traffic management used during peak hours Yes
What are peak hours Weekdays between 12PM and 2PM
Target packet allowance (Per month) 100% 100% 97% NA
The following traffic types are managed during these periods:* Priority Elevated Best efforts Low priority
VOIP (Voice over IP) X
Video Conference X
Point of Sales / Chip and PIN X
Remote Desktop / Citrix X
VPN (Virtual Private Network) X
Browsing / Email X
Gaming X
Audio streaming X
Video streaming X
Music downloads X
Video downloads X
Instant messaging X
Peer to Peer (P2P) X
Newsgroups X
Software updates X
Is traffic management used to manage congestion in particular locations? No

*If no entry is shown against a particular traffic type, best efforts is applied.

Please note: Peak usage may occasionally be caused by a major sporting event or mass software downloads. Digital Space research and plan ahead for these specific events and manage them accordingly.